This tips can help to maintain our ecosystems:

1º Get close to the rural environment, visits towns and natural sites. Only with your presence you can help maintain all this alive and, if in addition you consume it's local products ( even if it's only a coffee or any beverage), you would help its economy.


2º To know and respect the environment. Getting close to  nature or practice any sport. Is a healthy way to increase the social awareness of our habitats.



3º Enjoy the seasonal product.  

They show to be healthier and natural, if you can get them in their own rural environment, you make sure of its quality and origin.


4º Use reusable packaging. Almost every product we use has disposable container or wrapper. These containers produce most of the residues that pollute our habitats.



5º Do not mess up our natural sites or if possible, leave it better than what you find it. It is very rare to find places where cans, tetra bricks, cigarettes are not left behind, this attitude can turn a natural paradise into a dump.


6º Do not start fires during high risk seasons. We have known very sad situations where fires occurred due to negligence, always better be safe than sorry.

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